Our Instructors

Luděk Šebek
- PMBIA Level 1 licence
- Licence ITC-D/C/B and MTB lecturer of Palacký University
- Leader, guarantor, methodologist and lecturer of licensed courses of off-road cycling at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Department of Recreationology, Palacký University
- One of the founders of the Rychleby Trails
- Leader of children's camps at BAV in Vsetín, on the Lipovské and Rychlebské trails
- Co-founder and Chairman of Ride2sCool
- Member of the Mountain Service of the Czech Republic

He has nearly fifty years of great fun with the bike. Today, the technical rider used to wear gymnastic trainers in his youth, competed in figure skating and, like Michael in The Cloverfield Cowboy Boots, dreamed of BMX flatland freestyle. He was fascinated by MTB even before he managed to slip through the iron curtain of socialism. The camp will help you improve your driving technique and understand it better. You will learn the procedures for risk management in teaching MTB.

Kamil Tatarkovic
- IPTC level D/C and B licenses
- Sports higher education at UPOL
- 25 years of active bike racing
- World Cup winner in fourcross
- 3 years in the international team of Kona Les Gets
- 8 years of instructing cycling techniques
- Organization of enduro races
- Member of the CEMBA Executive Committee
- Administration of Bike Park Olomouc
- Cooperation with VELO magazine

A versatile biker who has 25 years of active racing under his belt. He went through cyclocross and cyclotrial to mountain biking, where he dedicated himself to downhill and fouros for several years and became one of the world's top riders. He has won the World Cup in fourcross, won several podium positions at various downhill races and participated in several prestigious freeride/slopestyle events in Europe. He has cycled through Ethiopia, Uganda, Lebanon, Morocco, Indonesia and many more.

Jana Hoffmannová
- PMBIA level 1 licence
- Licence ITC-D/C/B and MTB lecturer of Palacký University
- Assistant professor at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Palacký University, Department of Recreology
- Co-founder of Ride2sCool
- Lecturer and member of the Bike licence methodological committee
- Guarantor of children's Bike licence
- Member of APUL (Association of Professional Ski Teachers)

Jana was at the birth of the Rychleby trails and feels at home there too. He believes that the moment of learning to ride a bike is a significant step towards freedom and independence in a person's life. He combines psychological education with expertise in the field of sports. It will help you discover your hidden talent for trail riding.

Roman Mojzyszek
- ITC level D /C and B licences
- Founder of Bike licence
- Co-founder and Chairman of Black Forest Bikers
- Organizer of instructor camps
- Co-founder and instructor of the Rychlebské Trails Fairy Tale School
- 20 years active biker

He has always been close to adrenaline sports. He spent his youth riding rapids on wild water, then spent many years battling gravity, climbing from cliffs and rocks to big walls in sunny California. His feet did not stay on the ground and he started to ride a mountain bike while climbing, which completely captivated him with the opening of the Rychleby trails. Bike accompanies him to this day and became not only his hobby.

Ales Handzel
- ITC level D /C and B licences
- 10 years of active BMX racing
- Master of Moravia, winner of the Czech BMX Cup, finalist of the European BMX Cup
- Chief instructor in bike school Kopřivná
- Trail builder and Head of Kopřivná bikepark
- 3 years as a professional motocross fitness trainer and 3 years as a fitness trainer

All-round biker, 17 years of active riding, he has won several Moravian titles in cyclocross and won several Czech cups up to mountain bikes, he is an active instructor in the bike school Kopřivná and is dedicated to building trails. He worked as a professional motocross coach for 3 years.

Lukas Cerny
- ITC license - level D / C and B
- Author and builder of Bikepark Tanvaldský Špičák and Bikepark Bobovka
- Founder of DH - FR racing Tanvald
- Race organizer Bobovka cup
- Trail builder with IMBA trail solution certification
- Member of the CEMBA Executive Committee

More than 30 years active biker, nicknamed "Black". As a pioneer of off-road cycling in the Tanvald region he started with BMX, later he switched to downhill and freeride. In addition to cycling, he is an active trail builder and has gained his experience in the Walles and Canada on the bajik and with a pick. He is a biker at heart and soul and will be happy to share his wealth of experience with you.

Krista Havlicka
- Bike licence ITC level D/C and B
- Instructor of advanced bikers and ladies of the Dolní Morava Fairy Tale School camps
- Instructor of the Rychleby Trails Fairy Tale School
- Multiple winner of the Czech enduro series and Czech national champion in endurance and downhill
- Snowboarder and ski mountaineer

She is an extremely versatile athlete who has gone from gymnastics, athletics, snowboarding to ski mountaineering and ended up in bike enduro. Multiple winner of the Czech enduro series and champion of the Czech Republic, both in endur and downhill. He will work with you on technical skills, speed, and how to fly, even into the stratosphere. Off the bike, she is an introverted, creative, film animator, illustrator and graphic designer.

David Polesny
- ITC Level D and C licence holder
- Trail Hunter from YouTube
- Instructor of the Bike School Dolní Morava
- Mountain biking promoter

He has been mountain biking for more than 20 years, searching for the best trails in the Czech Republic and abroad. He often takes a camera with him and you may know him from YouTube as Trail Hunter. He will easily infect others with his enthusiasm for mountain biking and teach you how to have fun on your bike and safely overcome new challenges.

Jan Filip
- Licence ITC-D/C and B
- Founder and operator of FLOWRIDE bike school
- Member of the executive team of Singletrail Moravský kras
- Occasional contributor to MTB and outdoor magazines

Honza is a man who has been around fun for most of his life and it doesn't look like the fun is ending. On the contrary, he has a constant desire to push himself and further deepen his bullfighting versatility. Honza believes that better riding technique is the way to more FLOW experiences and the more FLOW on the bike, the more FLOW in life. He really enjoys helping others to FLOW as part of his job as an instructor.

Martin Lébl
- ITC Level D and C licence holder
- 19 years of active bike racing
- 8 years Czech representative in downhill
- Multiple champion of the Czech Republic, 8 times in the World Championship finals
- European Cup Winner
- 6 years of bike instructing
- Trail builder and shaper
- Lover of all sports and women

I've been riding my bike competitively for over 19 years, starting with downhill, enduro, freeride, bicross and pumptrack. I have won many races both in the Czech Republic and in the world. I've cycled in Australia, South Africa, Canada, America, and have ridden countless bikeparks all over Europe. My riding mainly includes trail building and teaching bike lessons. I love all sports and flowers.

Petr Hendrych
- Holder of ITC licence level D/C/B
- Years of experience as an instructor - instructional camps, children's and adult clubs
- 10 years as an instructor in the dressler.cz project
- Chief instructor and operator of Funbikeschool

Petr has been cycling since he was two years old and the bicycle has been a part of his whole life. His background is in cyclotrial and biketrial, which is why he enjoys heavy technical riding and various tricks. Peter's biggest success in biketrial was 4. place at the World Championships. He also raced as a hobbyist on a mountain bike and now he feels best on an enduro bike on trails of all possible difficulties. He likes slower and more discreet riding :-)
10 years of experience as an instructor - teaching weekend camps, children's and adult clubs, individual lessons. For ten years one of the instructors of the dressler.cz project, now he is the owner of Funbikeschool.

Zdeněk Horský
- Držitel licence ITC D/C a B
- Instruktor individuální výuky kroužků i kempů ve své bike škole Ubikes.cool
- Bývalý lektor v projektu Dressler.cz
- Instruktor lyžování a snowboardingu
- Milovník testování a ladění kol.

Pro Zdeňka je kolo vášeň i terapie. Jezdí na něm už 33let a baví ho pozorovat, jaké detaily dokáží posunout dovednosti o level výš.
Zdendu najdete v Jizerkách, nejčastěji okolo rozhledny Císařský kámen, kde rád objevuje nové traily a rád by postavil svůj sen - bike základnu.
Před založením bike školy, byl aktivním závodníkem v DH a Enduru a proto se nejlépe cítí v technických trailech a na skocích.

Zdeněk Horský
- ITC D/C and B license holder
- Instructor of individual classes and camps in his bike school Ubikes.cool
- Former lecturer in the Dressler.cz project
- Skiing and snowboarding instructor
- Bike testing and tuning enthusiast.

For Zdenek, cycling is both a passion and a therapy. He has been riding it for 33 years and enjoys observing what details can take skills to the next level.
You can find Zdenda in Jizerka, most often around the Císařský kámen lookout, where he likes to discover new trails and would like to build his dream - a bike base.
Before founding the bike school, he was an active competitor in DH and Enduro and therefore feels best on technical trails and on jumps.